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Sprinkler Repair

Providing Everything You Need For a Healthy System:

Head/nozzle replacements or adjustments. Minor drip zone fixes, additions, or adjustments. Broken lateral lines (these are typically what are referred to as 'zones' and can be shut off with a timer). Timer replacement and valve rewiring. Mainline repairs or adjustments. Valve replacement. Zone addition or movement. Rebuilding or adjustment of existing system. Valve manifold rebuild, addition, or adjustments. Stop and waste repair/replacement. And much more... Call or Text with any problem!


Our Free Diagnoses:

Sprinkler repair comes in an array of difficulties, but our specialists have been solving watering problems just like yours for years. Our water solutions are built with longevity and user friendliness in mind. You don't want to call us unless you absolutely have to and we make sure that's the case! Your repair tech will always diagnose and determine the problem, then give you an estimated cost before beginning the work.

Our Scheduling Process:

When working with you, your Agent has been trained to prioritize constant communication, timely service, and a clean yard. We've found the number one recurring problem with our clients' former contractors to be communication. This is why we reach out frequently while you're working with us. Scheduling can be especially difficult for repair work. We try out best to let you know the week before we're coming out, then the day before we're coming out. On the morning of, we try to let you know the approximate time we'll be arriving. This system allows us to remain flexible while providing you with as much notice as possible. 


Our 'Peace of Mind' Guarantee:

All of our services come with a 'Peace of Mind' guarantee. It's just out fancy way of saying we'll make sure you're taken care of. Should something go wrong with one of our repairs shortly after completion, we'll check it out out for free. If the problem was not caused by an outside source and was clearly an installation error, we take care of it without charge.

Our installs also come with a one year, contracted warranty to ensure the system we put in for you is working properly through seasonal changes. 

Our Free Diagnosis'
Our Scheduling Process
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